Creative Portfolio
Asset 18.png

Building An Organization of Design Thinking

Building An Organization of Design Thinkers

To enhance employee engagement and innovation, I designed and facilitated design thinking engagements for my colleagues. Training was sometimes informal - such as in my own project working groups and brainstorming sessions where I sought to empower an already highly functioning capabilities team by weaving design thinking human-centered design practices into the analysis and technical architecture of our projects. At other times, the training I provided was more structured and far-reaching. For example, I was asked to lead my division’s 2017 annual senior leadership training for 40 vice presidents and directors.

Below are a few of the overview graphics I designed to articulate design thinking concepts and tools.

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Screen Shot 2018-03-26 at 9.47.50 AM.png

* Graphics and content modified from Stanford D.School Framework for Design Innovation