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Equipment Prepositioning Tool

Equipment Prepositioning Tool


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Tool users needed to be able to pull data from multiple databases and be updated frequently. This requirement was due to the military’s understandable security requirements. (Getting official access to data repositories takes 5+ years and costs several $MM.) Once the official data was in the tool, sizable portions of the data, and the tool structure needed to be edited and maintainable by the client's non-technical staff.

About the Project

Keeping track of every nut and bolt is tough work, especially when it is spread all over the world. Our military client needed a better way to plan for the positioning of equipment for future engagements, both military and humanitarian. We built the Prepositioned Equipment Playbook to help our client understand what equipment was where, and enable effective tracking of progress against annual plans.

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My Role

On this project, like so many others, I was tasked with both business and design responsibilities:
- Requirements Development: Interviewed stakeholders and users to gain understanding of unmet needs and desired capabilities.
- UX/UI Designer: Designed wireframes and high-fidelity prototypes to test with client. Iterated designs to ensure functionality and that designs meet user needs.
- Project Manager: Developed timelines, sprint schedules, budgets, staffed personnel resources (1 designer, 1.5 data scientist, and 1 developer); led monthly progress demos for client; and managed project through successful completion.
- User Tester: Led bug tester for sprint deployments.


Tool was developed using Adobe Flex, deployed using an Adobe SWF executable file (that can open in any internet browser), and a Microsoft Access database to warehouse the tool data. This allowed clients to open the tool on all systems, including most of their computers that only run very old versions of Microsoft Internet Explorer due to security concerns). The use of the Access database provided a way for our clients to merge changes back to the original data sources. It was also a cost-effective way for them to make changes to the tool's structure and export it for display in the tool.  

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Executive Summary View

Designed to enable senior decision makers to quickly understand how equipment is distributed organizationally; what percentage of the overall force requirement they have jurisdiction over; how equipment is shared across locations; and where reallocation of equipment excesses could help meet current shortfalls without additional funding.

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Program View

Design for directors of specific locations to see if they have the correct amount of equipment or a shortfall, and the value of equipment by category.

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Designed for program action officers to dive deeply into the specifics of any piece of equipment. Provides details on equipment cost, propositioning plans, acquisition shortfalls, and whether equipment is suitable for being propositioned.

Conference Support Functionality

Developing these detailed propositioning plans required the expertise, input, and buy-in from multiple organizations. This page was designed to provide a clear and comprehensive overview of equipment specifics that can be referenced during decision-making conferences. Previously flagged issues can be resolved in real time, and new issues can be tagged for further investigation through text editing and export functionalities.